New Zealand Journal of Law and Politics —
Te Hautaka Ture me Tōrangapū o Aotearoa
About the Journal
The New Zealand Journal of Law and Politics | Te Hautaka Ture me Tōrangapū o Aotearoa is a postgraduate journal aiming to foster an interdisciplinary study of public policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. Established in 2024 by a diverse collective of students and academics, we promote critical and creative approaches to changemaking through the interaction of law, politics, and cognate disciplines.
Call for Papers
The New Zealand Journal of Law and Politics | Te Hautaka Ture me Tōrangapū o Aotearoa is pleased to invite submissions for our inaugural issue to be published in late 2024. We welcome a range of formats including: original research articles (up to 9,000 words), review essays (up to 5,000 words) and critical notes and commentary (up to 3,000 words) within the Journal/te Hautaka’s scope. We aim to ensure a diversity of peoples, perspectives and policy issues are represented in each issue.
Submissions will undergo a desk-review process to assess the suitability of content, with first decisions made within two weeks. Accepted submissions will then undergo a double-blind editorial review undertaken by two qualified editors. Recognising the pressures endured by postgraduates and early-career researchers, we aim for a responsive review process with a final decision delivered to authors within eight weeks of submission.
We are now accepting submissions for our first issue.
All journal content will be published open-access through our website and indexed with a variety of indexers for immediate distribution. There are no article processing charges associated with the Journal/te Hautaka. Articles may be published in English or Te Reo Māori (where possible) and all authors may translate their abstracts into a second language of their choice. For more on how to submit, see Submission Guidelines.
Managing Editor
Jan Halstead
Advisory Board
AProf Nicole Roughan (Law, University of Auckland)
AProf Katherine Smits (Politics, University of Auckland)
Dr Lida Ayoubi (Law, Auckland University of Technology)
Dr Sara Salman (Criminology, Victoria University of Wellington)
Metiria Stanton Turei (Law, University of Otago)
Dr Karly Burch (Sociology, University of Auckland)
Dr Bridget Fa’amatuainu (Law, Auckland University of Technology)
Dr Lili Song (Law, University of Otago)
AProf Sita Venkateswar (Anthropology, Massey University)
Dr Mele Tupou-Vaitohi (Law, Victoria University of Wellington)
Dr Adele Norris (Sociology & Social Policy, Waikato University)
Dr Shine Choi (Politics & International Relations, Massey University)
Dr Liana MacDonald (Sociology, Victoria University of Wellington)
Dr Adrienne Paul (Law, Auckland University of Technology)
AProf Krushil Watene (Philosophy, University of Auckland)
AProf Lara Greaves (Political Science, Victoria University of Wellington)
Prof Priya Kurian (PolSci & Public Policy, University of Waikato)
Dr Josephine Varghese (Human Services, University of Canterbury)
Editorial Board
Kiraan Chetty MA (Phil), UoA
Dilara Aydin PhD (Law), Waik
Luke Meng MTCS, UoA
Sneha Singh PhD (Socio), UoA
Robert Broughton PhD (Pols) Massey
Jessica Martin MA (Socio), Waik
James Haydock PhD (Crim), VUW
Divya Rathore PhD (Law), UoA
Nityanand Jayaraman PhD (PolSci) Waik
Elizabeth Lutui LLM AUT
The Journal/te Hautaka is a registered charity (CC62637) under the Charities Act 2005. Guided by a Trust Deed, the publication is governed by a Board of Trustees and is supported by an advisory board comprised of academics from around the country.